Sunday, January 24, 2010

Basic Points Forgotten by the Left about the latest First Amendment Ruling ...

(1) Everyone who is affected by legislation and taxes deserves to have a voice and be heard.

(2) Please re-read the first amendment ... in it's entirety. Not only the part about NO laws abridging free speech, but also the last sentence which describes one of the primary purposes of this amendment.

(3) Newspapers are for-profit corporations. Last time I checked, every editorial issued supports or argues against a position and or candidate. Since its editors work for a for-profit corporation, should their voice also be silenced? If your answer is no, which I assume it will be, then why do you feel that their voice should be heard over others? What gives them that right, but not others? Shouldn't the law have equal application across all spectrums?

(4) Why do you assume, in an age where we have more access to information than any other time in history, that people are too stupid to see through advertising and make there own decisions? Are you advocating that we should make decisions for people by limiting the information that is published?

(5) Why is it that when the constitution is upheld, and EVERYONE is given an equal opportunity to voice their opinion, all of the sudden it's anti-democracy?

(6) This will make politicians more accountable for their actions - all of them. They can no longer legislate against a particular group with no fear of political retribution. Why is political accountability suddenly a bad thing?

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